Professional Development Requirements

In order to ensure all certified instructors, club professionals and coaches maintain “Active Certified Status” based on their level of certification; there is a minimum ongoing professional development requirement. This is critical to maintaining or developing your knowledge, problem-solving, technical skills or professional performance standards.  The TPA offers and endorses (with its partners) a wide variety of professional development opportunities.

Coaching excellence demands that every Canadian tennis Instructor, Coach and Club Professional (for the remainder of this policy referred to as “certified coach”) pursue professional development opportunities and keep abreast of new trends in the sport.

To be classified as "ACTIVE", a certified coach must:

1. Have achieved full certification at a particular level and staying current by meeting the                ongoing professional development requirements

2. Be a member of the "Tennis Professionals Association"

3. Obtain TPA safeguarding requirements (valid background check, annual declaration of good character/Code of Conduct, RIS for Activity Leaders module)


To maintain "ACTIVE" status, a coach must either:

1.   Attend a tennis certification course at the level immediately above the level at which he or she is fully certified (note: it can also include taking a new stream of certification).


2.   Attend one of the following prescribed professional development opportunities:


The Expiry dates for each level is as follows:

  • Instructor: 4 years expiry
  • Club Pro 1: 3 years expiry
  • Club Professional 2, Club Professional 3: 2 years expiry
  • Coach 2, Coach 3, Coach 4 and Coach 5: 2 years expiry

Coaches who do not fulfill the above requirements will be classified "INACTIVE".







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