Rogers First Set

To access the Learn to Play materials for your Instructor Course CLICK HERE
Rogers First Set is Tennis Canada's national participation program, developed and implemented in collaboration with Provincial and Territorial Tennis Associations. There are four program pillars: Try, Learn, Play, and Compete. Designed to introduce new individuals to tennis and retain athletes in the sport, the program focuses on the Try, Learn, and Play pillars.

The program is built for Stage 2 of the Whole Player Development Pathway & ensures that the program links to the 5Cs framework.


Rogers First Set - Tennis for Youth Resources

CLICK HERE to complete the free Rogers First Set Online Modules & access the Rogers First Set Resources

                                                  *Free for TPA members

                                                  **Maximum one hour to complete.

                                                  ***Counts as a professional development activity


Learn & Play Curriculum Guide 

The Learn & Play Curriculum Guide takes your through the details of how the Rogers First Set program works and various “tools” that can be used to enhance delivery.






Learn & Play Activities

The Learn & Play Activities Resource includes over 60 activities that are used in all phases of the Try, Learn, & Play resources.





Learn & Play Sessions

The Learn & Play Sessions document is a comprehensive program that includes 9, 4-8 week lesson plans & camp plans for each of Red, Orange & Green ball levels.






Try Event Guide

The Try Event Guide is a tool to support organizations that deliver Rogers First Set to host a quality TRY event for new people to tennis.





Play Day Guide

The Play Day Guide is a tool to support organizations that deliver Rogers First Set to host a quality PLAY day for participants to experience and helps build their identity as a “tennis player”.





Safe Sport Resource 

The Safe Sport resource equips Rogers First Set leaders with the tools to ensure a safe environment at all times.





Skills Checklist

The skills checklist is a Rogers First Set coaches tool to identify the skills they should be focusing on throughout a childs journey through each ROG level of the program.







A playlist of all Rogers First Set Activities.